Blog The Benefits of High-Pressure and Soft-Washing: Which is Best for Your Home's Exterior? Apr 05, 2023

The exterior of your home is one of its main focal points, and keeping it clean and looking its best should be a priority. But what’s the best way to do so? High-pressure washing and soft-washing are two popular methods for external cleaning, and each offers unique advantages for homeowners. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of both high-pressure and soft-washing so you can make an informed decision about which method is best for your home’s exterior.

First, let’s discuss high-pressure washing. This method involves the use of a pressure washer that applies water at a high pressure. The water is forced in a thin stream that is able to penetrate dirt, mold, and mildew without the use of harsh detergents or chemicals. This makes it a great choice for removing built-up dirt and grime, as well as removing stubborn stains or marks. High-pressure washing is also a fast and efficient way to clean your home’s exterior.

The downside of using a high-pressure washer is that it can be too aggressive and cause damage to certain surfaces. If your home’s siding is made of vinyl or wood, a high-pressure washer could strip the paint or cause other damage. It’s also not recommended for use on stucco, as it can cause it to chip or flake.

Soft-washing is another popular method for cleaning the exterior of your home. This method utilizes a low-pressure spray that applies a solution of detergent and water to the surface. The detergent mixture is designed to loosen dirt, mold, and mildew, and the low-pressure spray helps to prevent any damage to the siding or other surfaces. Soft-washing is much gentler than high-pressure washing and is a great choice for more delicate surfaces.

The downside of soft-washing is that it takes longer than high-pressure washing and may require multiple applications of the detergent solution to achieve a thorough clean. Additionally, soft-washing is not as effective at removing stubborn stains or marks and may not do as good a job of removing built-up dirt and grime as high-pressure washing.

So, which is best for your home’s exterior? The answer depends on a variety of factors. If your home’s siding is made of vinyl or wood, or if there are delicate surfaces that need to be cleaned, then soft-washing is the best choice. If you have stubborn stains or marks that need to be removed, or if you’re looking for a quick and efficient way to clean your home’s exterior, then high-pressure washing may be the better option.

No matter which method you choose, it’s important to make sure you hire a professional with experience in the process. A qualified professional will have the expertise to use the correct amount of pressure and the right type of detergent or solution to ensure the best results.

The exterior of your home is one of its most important features, and it’s important to keep it clean and looking its best. High-pressure washing and soft-washing are two popular methods for external cleaning, and each offers unique advantages for homeowners. Depending on the surface and type of cleaning needed, either method can provide great results. Before beginning, be sure to research and hire a professional with experience in the process.

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